Employers needing OSHA 30-hour training in Houston TX for a group of employees can have our OSHA-authorized outreach trainer come to your site to conduct an onsite training class. Your OSHA 30-hour class can be based on the OSHA 1910.146 general industry standards (applicable to manufacturing and assembly operations, industrial maintenance and servicing companies, warehouse and logistics operations, chemical and oil refineries, medical and dental facilities, and the travel and hospitality industries). Or the OSHA 30-hour training class can be geared to the OSHA 1926 construction standards (applies to all construction activities, including demo and renovation work). This service is available to employers and other organizations located anywhere in the Houston TX area.
OSHA 30-hour courses are the industry standard for health and safety training for managers, supervisors, foremen, and safety personnel, and are great for safety committee members and union safety reps as well. In addition to their own course materials, students who complete their OSHA 30 course receive a personalized OSHA 30-hour training certificate and the official OSHA / DOL wallet card that is required to work at many job sites in the greater Houston area.
Q – Is OSHA 30 hour training required in Houston TX?
A – The state of Texas does not have a blanket rule mandating all supervisors or workers in the state complete an OSHA 30-hour training class. And federal OSHA considers the OSHA 30 class to be a voluntary endeavor. However, there are many employers, contractors, and other government agencies in the Houston area having their own internal policies or rules that require certain key personnel (typically supervisors, managers, and/or safety personnel) to completed an appropriate OSHA 30 hour course to be employed on their worksites.
Q – How do I know if I need an OSHA 30 construction class, or the OSHA 30 general industry class?
A – First of all, if someone such as an employer, contractor, or facility manager is telling you that you or your employees must take an OSHA 30-hour class to gain access to their job-site, you are best served by asking them specifically which course they require you to take. Otherwise, know that the 30-hour construction class is intended for people working in any type of construction activities (which could include new builds, repairs and renovations, and demo), whereas the OSHA 30-hour general industry class is intended for most all other workers, including those involved in manufacturing and service industries.
Q – How many days does an OSHA 30-hour class typically take to complete?
A – OSHA policy only allows 7.5 hours of actual training time (excludes lunch / breaks) during a day. So, it takes a minimum of four full days to complete an OSHA 30 hour class. We conduct our on-site OSHA 30-hour classes over four consecutive workdays; but this can be done to include a mix of weekdays and weekend days upon request.
Q – I have employees who speak English and others who speak Spanish (or some other language) who need OSHA 30-hour training. Can you provide a bi-lingual OSHA trainer? Or, can I provide a bilingual interpreter to assist the OSHA trainer so everyone can attend just one class together?
A – The short answer is “no”. OSHA policy requires that all training be provided in a language in which students understand. So, if a trainer covered all 30 hours’ worth of required material in both languages, or if a translator was provided to repeat everything the OSHA trainer said in another language, it would take twice as long (60 hours) to cover all required information for the class; that would be cost prohibitive. We have OSHA authorized 30-hour trainers who can provide OSHA 30-hour general industry training or construction classes in either English or Spanish; and while several of them are bi-lingual, the class must be conducted in one language in which all students can understand.
Q – How long does it take to get the OSHA certification cards after completing the class?
A – Students who successfully complete an OSHA 30-hour class in either construction or general industry will receive an official OSHA / DOL wallet card documenting they completed their training. It takes approximately two to four weeks for the cards to be produced and sent to the students. However, students also receive a personalized certificate of completion proving they completed their training after the class is completed; this certificate serves as proof of training until the wallet card is received. Be aware, however, that OSHA states very clearly in their policy no one is “certified” by OSHA when they complete their training (because there is no such thing as “OSHA certification“), and the card is simply proof the student completed their training.